Common Causes of Back Pain

Frisco Chiropractor Offers Variety of Effective Back Pain Treatments

back pain treatment Frisco chiropractorOne of the most common reasons patients seek help from Tieperman Health can be traced to back pain. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH), back pain is the second most common neurological ailment in the United States, right behind headaches, costing more than $50 billion each year in medical treatments, along with lost time at work, impaired activity and disability.

An experienced chiropractor in Frisco, Dr. Lori Tieperman understands that back conditions and injuries may be “common,” but that does not mean everyone with back pain is exactly the same. Acute low back pain may only last a few days, resulting from a mild trauma, sports injury, or arthritis flare up. Chronic back pain lingers for more than three months, and may get progressively worse over time.

Symptoms of Back Problems:

  • Sudden  shooting or stabbing pain
  • Limited flexibility
  • Reduced range of motion
  • Inability to stand up straight

Back pain can affect both men and women of any age, but is most common for patients age 30 t0 50. Aging and lack of exercise can contribute to this problem, as can illnesses such as disc disease and spinal degeneration.

With a comprehensive physical examination and full medical history, Dr. Tieperman and her staff can work to identify the cause of your back pain. Blood tests and imaging (X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, EMGs, ultrasound, or bone scans) help diagnose specific problems.

Chiropractic Treatment in Frisco

Once your chiropractor determines the cause of the back pain, we create a treatment program to fit your exact needs. Many back injuries and conditions can be treated without invasive techniques or surgery. Options include:

  • Chiropractic adjustment to manipulate and reposition joints
  • Nutrition plan to support pain management
  • Mild physiotherapy to strengthen back muscles
  • Spinal manipulation
  • Acupuncture

If you suffer from back pain or have suffered a trauma or injury, visit our chiropractor in Frisco to get personalized treatment and lasting relief. Contact Tieperman Health online or call 214-705-1799.

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