How Acupuncture Helps with Your Sciatic Nerve

Acupuncture Frisco TXAcupuncture is one of the most effective techniques to treat both acute and chronic pain. The treatment involves extremely thin needles that enter the skin at specific points on the body to help relieve a variety of health conditions and to alleviate pain, including a common condition known as sciatica.

Sciatica is characterized by pain that radiates from the lower back or buttock, down the leg, and into the foot. In most cases, the pain concentrates on one particular side of the body, rather than both. Additional symptoms include weakness, numbness, tingling, and loss of sensation. The condition is commonly brought on by compressing nerves that exit the spine in the lower back area. Sciatica affects about 40% of people sometime throughout their life. It’s commonly discovered through a simple orthopedic test which involves a simple leg raise exercise.

Once your doctor determines the nature and cause of the pain, a treatment plan is designed to fit your specific needs.

A typical acupuncture treatment for sciatica could involve the use of electric stimulation and herb formulas to address inflammation and support tissue.  Depending on your treatment plan, your doctor may recommend 2 or more sessions a week, documenting your progress along the way. The end goal is always to restore proper functioning, relieve irritable pain, and enhance overall well-being. Acupuncture is a complementary treatment technique that works harmoniously alongside physical therapy, chiropractic care, therapeutic bodywork, and prescribed medications.

If you struggle with acute or chronic sciatica, acupuncture can be a tremendous source of relief. For more information regarding treatment plans or to speak with a specialist, call or visit Tieperman Health & Wellness in Frisco, TX.

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