Massage Therapist Little Elm TX: What Science Says About Massage Therapy

Massage therapist Little Elm TXIf you have ever tried massage therapy provided by a licensed massage therapist in Little Elm TX, you know how relaxing an experience it was and that, in addition to loosening stiff, achy muscles, it also gave you a feeling of well-being that lasted well beyond the massage itself.  Massage has been used for thousands of years in almost every culture to soothe muscles and soft tissue.  References to massage therapy have been found in ancient writings from China, Japan, India and Egypt.  In the modern era, massage has been the subject of much research into its effects – both good and bad.

The National Institutes of Health have conducted a majority of the research and have found that, while some of the results are conflicting, massage therapy can be helpful in reducing pain and other symptoms associated with many physical conditions while having very few risks when practiced by a trained practitioner.

Pain – The NIH found that massage therapy is useful in treating chronic, low-back pain, neck pain, pain due to osteoarthritis of the knee and suggests that massage may help with pain relief for women in labor.

Cancer – Clinical studies suggest that, at least for the short term, massage therapy can help to reduce pain, promote relaxation and reduce depression; however, caution is urged for therapists in massaging patients whose skin has been damaged by radiation, areas with a blood clot and areas directly over a tumor.

HIV/AIDS – Four small, clinical trials suggest that massage can improve the quality of life for HIV and AIDS patients.

Fibromyalgia – A 2010 review concluded that massage can help to reduce pain, fatigue and some of the other symptoms associated with fibromyalgia provided the therapist is skilled enough not to cause more pain with massage.

Mental Health – An analysis of 17 clinical trials showed that massage helped to alleviate depression.  Massage may also help older people to relax.

Infant Care – Massaging of preterm infants using moderate pressure may improve their weight gain.  No benefits to healthy infants have been found.

Researchers are continuing to study the effects of massage therapy on children with autism spectrum disorders, women with breast cancer, post-surgical heart patients, diabetics and children with asthma.

In general, the NIH has determined that the beneficial effects of massage therapy are temporary and the therapy has to be repeated for a patient to continue getting relief from aches and pains.  That’s why it’s important for you to make and keep your appointments with your massage therapist in Little Elm TX.  At Tieperman Health & Wellness, you’ll find a massage therapist in Little Elm TX who cares about relieving your pain for a happier, healthier life.  Call Tieperman to schedule an appointment at 214-705-1799 and visit to learn more about massage therapy and the other services we offer.

Massage therapist Little Elm TX
Frisco TX Chiropractor | Tieperman Health & Wellness
8760 3rd St
Frisco, Texas 75034

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