Tag : massage therapy little elm tx

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Massage Therapist Little Elm TX: What Science Says About Massage Therapy

If you have ever tried massage therapy provided by a licensed massage therapist in Little Elm TX, you know how relaxing an experience it was and that, in addition to loosening stiff, achy muscles, it also gave you a feeling of well-being that lasted well beyond the massage itself.  Massage has been used for thousands of years in almost every culture to soothe muscles and soft tissue.  References to massage therapy have been found in ancient writings from China, Japan, India and Egypt.  In the modern era, massage has been the subject of much research into its effects – both Read more
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Massage Therapist In Little Elm TX Can Improve Health

What comes to mind when you hear the words massage therapist in Little Elm TX? Bet most people would say relaxation. Letting it go and relaxing, a pampering of the body, and a little bit of me time are all associated with massage. It is an amazing experience for most that leaves you feeling better. Those all sound good but actually a massage therapist in Little Elm TX does a whole lot more for you and your body. Outside of relaxation let’s look at some other benefits of a massage. It has both physical and mental pluses. Of course whenever Read more
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Massage Therapy Little Elm TX: Get Holiday Stress Relief

Have holiday stresses got you feeling rundown?  It’s nothing a little massage therapy in Little Elm TX can’t fix.  The place to get your relaxing holiday massage is at Tieperman Health & Wellness.  At Tieperman, we know that the holidays come with physical aches from lugging heavy bags of gifts and groceries and mental stresses from worrying about party planning and house guests.  That’s why we think you should give yourself a gift this year of relaxing massage therapy in Little Elm TX.  When you’re ready for relief, call us at 214-705-1799 for an appointment.  And visit us at www.tiepermanhealth.com Read more
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Massage Therapy Little Elm TX: How A Massage Can Make Pregnancy Easier

Carrying a baby can be a difficult experience for some women, and you might not always want to turn to medicine to solve your problems. However, massage therapy with a Little Elm TX trained expert can go a long way towards alleviating the pain and discomfort that often accompanies this amazing experience. Here are a few of the ways that massage therapy can make pregnancy easier for you. 1.  Aching muscles One of the most common ailments among pregnant women is muscle strain and pain. This is to be expected as the body shifts to accommodate the growing child, however Read more
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Massage Therapy In Little Elm, TX Helps With Stress And A Whole Lot More

To say that we live in a busy world and that our lives run at a rapid pace is probably an understatement for most. Massage therapy in Little Elm, TX has a solution to help us cope with our busy schedules. The benefits of massage therapy are being recognized to such a degree that spas are not the only place to get an amazing massage. Hospitals, business offices, chiropractic clinics, health clinics, gyms along with other locations now offer massages. Words like manipulating, rubbing, and pressing are terms generally used when describing a massage to the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and Read more
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Massage Therapy in Little Elm TX: Mental and Emotional Benefits

The physical benefits of massage therapy are widely known and recognized, but this ancient practice can be healing for the mind and emotions as well. Because of this, massage therapy in Little Elm TX can be healing and renewing for the mind, body and spirit. Because massage lauds benefits in all these areas, it can be a powerful holistic treatment. Stress Matters Most American adults live pretty stressful lives, and the chances that you fall into this category are pretty good. People carry tension in different parts of their bodies, and massage can relieve the physical burden stress puts on Read more
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Massage Therapy Little Elm TX: So Many Benefits To Massage

The benefits of massage therapy in Little Elm TX are innumerous.  Massage can help with things such as sleeping issues, diet issues and of course pain problems!  At Tieperman Health and Wellness, we can help you with dedicated therapy to one area or whole body massages that release all the tension away.  Maybe you haven’t ever really considered massage as a therapy before and only thought of it as a treat, but the medical benefits can be real and it is a great way to handle your stress and physical health!  Call us today to get started with your new Read more
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Massage Therapy In Little Elm, TX: Relieve Your Stress-Related Symptoms

Most of us are under stress from dealing with daily life – whether it’s job stress or family stress or the stress of financial or health worries.  And although some stress can be beneficial in certain instances in which we need that sudden burst of adrenaline before we slam on the brakes to avoid an accident or get mentally prepared for an important meeting, too much stress is a very bad thing.  Massage therapy by a trained, professional therapist in Little Elm, TX can help to relieve this excess stress that can lead to high blood pressure, headaches, stomach upset, Read more