7 Dietary Triggers for Migraines

Woman applying pressure to her temples.Have you ever wondered, “what causes migraines?” Migraine triggers can vary from person to person, making it crucial to identify and avoid individual triggers to manage migraines effectively. Dietary triggers are often a primary concern for migraine sufferers, as certain foods and beverages can act as catalysts for migraine attacks. Educate yourself and become familiar with these key dietary triggers that can cause migraines:

1. Caffeine

While caffeine can provide temporary relief for headaches, excessive consumption or sudden withdrawal can trigger migraine in susceptible individuals. It is advisable for those who suffer from migraines to regulate their caffeine intake and gradually reduce their dependence on it. 

2. Alcohol

Alcohol beverages, particularly red wine, beer, and certain spirits, contain compounds like tyramine, phenylethylamine, and histamines that can prompt migraines. It is advisable to limit alcohol consumption or avoid it altogether to prevent migraine attacks.

3. Chocolate

Although it is a beloved treat for many, chocolate contains phenylethylamine and caffeine, both of which can trigger migraines. Dark chocolate, in particular, has higher levels of these compounds. Moderation is key when consuming chocolate to minimize the risk of migraines.

4. Aged Cheeses

Cheeses such as blue cheese, feta, cheddar, and Parmesan are known to contain high levels of tyramine, a substance that can trigger migraines in some individuals. If cheese is a trigger for you, opting for fresh cheeses with lower tyramine content may be a suitable alternative.

5. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

MSG, a flavor enhancer commonly found in processed foods, fast food, and some Asian cuisine, has been associated with migraines. Reading food labels carefully and opting for natural, unprocessed alternatives can help reduce the risk of migraines triggered by MSG.

6. Nitrites and Nitrates

These preservatives are most commonly found in cured meats, such as bacon, sausage and deli meats. They can dilate blood vessels and trigger migraines in susceptible individuals. Choosing nitrate-free options or limiting the consumption of these foods can help mitigate the risk.

7. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits contain high levels of citric acid, which can provoke migraines. While these fruits are ‌healthy, if they consistently trigger your migraine, it may be wise to explore alternative sources of vitamin C.

It is important to note that individual sensitivity to these triggers can vary, and what causes migraines for one person may not affect another. Keeping a migraine diary can help identify specific triggers and patterns, allowing individuals to make informed decisions about their diet and lifestyle. Be sure to check out our last post about physical triggers for migraines.

Eliminating all potential dietary triggers may not be practical or necessary for everyone, adopting a balanced and healthy eating plan can be beneficial for overall migraine management. Maintaining a consistent meal schedule, staying well-hydrated, and incorporating fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins into your diet can promote overall well-being and potentially reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. As always, our trained professionals are here for you. We want you to be living the life of your dreams and want to help you achieve the best wellness.

Contact the trained professionals at Tieperman Health & Wellness to start your customized program today. Our Massage Therapists and Chiropractors in Frisco, TX can help your overall health and help rejuvenate your body. Contact our highly skilled doctors here or call (214) 705-1833 to start your journey to a healthier, happier life.

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