Top 4 Triggers for Migraines

Man with hand on head to suggest a migraine.What causes migraines and where do they come from? Migraines are a severe and disabling form of headache that affects millions of people worldwide. While the exact cause of migraines is unknown, researchers have identified various triggers that can increase the risk of developing migraines. Do you suffer from migraines and wonder if there’s a way to avoid them? In this article, we will explore the top 4 triggers for migraines.

1. Stress

Stress is one of the most common triggers for migraines. It can be manifested in different ways. Stress can be emotional, such as dealing with a difficult work situation, relationship issues, or even financial issues. We can also point figures to the physical stresses, such as overexertion or poor posture. When the body is under stress, it produces hormones which can trigger your migraines.

Stress-related migraines can be particularly challenging to manage, because the suggestion to “reduce your stress” is a lot easier said than done. However, there are various relaxation techniques that can help manage stress and reduce the risk of migraines, including meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga.

2. Food triggers

Certain foods and beverages can trigger migraines for some people. The most common culprits include alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, aged cheeses, and foods containing monosodium glutamate (MSG). In addition, skipping meals or fasting can also trigger migraines, as can consuming large amounts of processed or high-fat foods.

In order to identify your food triggers successfully, it may be necessary to keep a food diary and track when your migraines occur. This will allow you to identify any potential food triggers. Once they have been identified, avoiding these triggers can significantly reduce the frequency of your migraines.

3. Ocular Migraines

Ocular migraines, or retinal migraines, are a rare type of migraine that ultimately affects your vision. Symptoms of such can include vision loss, flashing lights, and blind spots. Stress, dehydration, or exposure to bright lights can all be triggers for ocular migraines. Women are more likely than men to experience ocular migraines.

While ocular migraines are relatively uncommon, they can be alarming and potentially dangerous. If you experience any changes in vision, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

4. Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes, particularly in women, can trigger migraines. Changes in estrogen levels, such as those that occur during menstruation, pregnancy or menopause, can increase the risk of migraines. Hormonal contraceptives can also trigger migraines in some women.

Although challenging to manage hormonal triggers, there are options. Women who experience menstrual migraines may benefit from hormonal contraceptives that regulate hormone levels. For those women in menopause, hormone replacement therapy can help reduce the risk of migraines.

At Tieperman Health and Wellness, we combine technology with overall wellness to rejuvenate your body. Through massage therapy, our experts help to combat headaches and migraines. Trained in stress reducing techniques, our experts will help to relieve tension headaches and your risk for crippling migraines. You can also meet with a professional to learn more about what causes head aches.

Contact the trained professionals at Tieperman Health & Wellness to start your customized program today. Our Massage Therapists and Chiropractors in Frisco, TX can help your overall health and help rejuvenate your body. Contact our highly skilled doctors here or call (214) 705-1833 to start your journey to a healthier, happier life.

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