Tag : treatment for body pain frisco tx

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Suffering from Muscle Pain in Your Neck? Find Relief with a New Pillow

Are you looking for chronic neck muscle pain relief? The solution may be simpler than you think. Surprisingly, your pillow may be to blame for your discomfort. At Tieperman Health & Wellness, we treat neck pain on a regular basis. Many times, we focus on identifying the triggers for this type of pain, which can be something as simple as the kind of pillow or mattress you use. Here are a few tips for finding the pillow that’s right for you. Shape Your pillow could be causing your neck pain if it leaves your head in a tilted position. The Read more
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Sore Muscles and Massage and Chiropractic Stress Treatments

Muscle aches and pains may not be from an injury, as you might think.  In fact, some may come from stress that you don’t even realize you have. When you are mentally stressed, certain muscle groups tense up. If the stress is prolonged, this tensing up of muscles can create pain. However, this pain can be easily relieved with the right mix of massage and other treatments administered carefully by professionals. The right chiropractic manipulations combined with massage can bring about relief. If you feel that you’re stressing too much, call for help right away. Give the folks at Tieperman Health and Wellness a call so they can help you get Read more