Category : Chiropractic Massage Frisco TX

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The Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Discover the Life-Changing Benefits of Prenatal Chiropractic Care Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it’s no secret that it comes with its share of physical and emotional challenges. As your body adapts to support a growing baby, it’s completely normal to experience aches and pains, especially in your lower back, hips, and abdomen. These discomforts can take a toll, but there’s good news—relief is within reach. Chiropractic care during pregnancy offers a safe and effective way to ease discomfort and support your body through this transformative time. Focused on maintaining a healthy spine and properly aligned joints, chiropractic therapy reduces Read more
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6 Tips for Relieving a Crick in your Neck

Don’t you hate waking up with a crick in your neck? That sharp pain in your neck that makes it feel impossible to move your head or even look side to side. There are many causes for the pain such as sleeping wrong, painting a ceiling, or even looking down at your laptop or phone for too long. Whatever the cause, you’re probably looking for a quick solution and in this article, we’re going to help you find some relief! Gentle Stretching One of the most effective ways to relieve a crick in your neck is through gentle stretching. When Read more
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Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your body goes through many changes to support the baby. One is that the hormone relaxin is released, which relaxes the joints and eases labor and delivery. However, sometimes this can cause structural instability. Other sources of spinal misalignment and pain during pregnancy include: Carrying 25 to 30 pounds of extra weight. Weakened abdominal muscles. Accentuating the curve in your lower back. Follow along for our guide to chiropractic care during pregnancy and the benefits of chiropractic care during your pregnancy.  Reasons for Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy Chiropractic care involves the assessment and adjustment of the spine and Read more
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Common sports Injuries that Need Chiropractic Care

Participation in sports brings joy and a sense of accomplishment. People of every age play sports. From young children playing tee-ball to adults making their weekly tee time Saturday morning, and the older you get, the more likely you are to sustain a sports injury. No matter how much you stretch before or warm-up, injury is still possible. When those injuries inevitably happen, sometimes chiropractic treatments are the fastest way to get back to doing what you love. Here are a few common sports injuries that are especially receptive to chiropractic treatments. Lower Back Injuries Lower back injuries are extremely Read more
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What You Need To Know About Preventing Golf-Related Back Pain

Tiger Wood’s repeated and debilitating back problems over the years are evidence of the fact that even a relatively low-impact sport like golf can take its toll on the body.  For most long-term or frequent golfers, overwork of the lumbar, or lower, spine can result in significant back pain and problems like muscle strains, disc injuries, degenerative arthritis and fractures.  If golf is your preferred weekend pastime or you’re considering taking up golf as a serious sport, you should know that there are ways to prevent many types of golf-related injuries and ways to treat them once they occur. The Read more
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The Benefits of Prenatal Massage & Why You Need One

Being pregnant takes a hefty toll on a woman’s body, but having a regular prenatal massage in Frisco, TX can help ease the burden. Massage therapy performed during pregnancy can reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and improve labor outcomes and newborn health. So what are the benefits of prenatal massage? They are: Helps regulate hormones by reducing stress Reduction of swelling Reduced sciatic nerve pain Improved sleep Reduced muscle tension Pregnancy doesn’t have to be physically miserable and emotionally exhausting with the addition of regular prenatal massages to your prenatal care. Tieperman Health & Wellness has Read more
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Take a Chiropractic Approach to Headache Treatments in Frisco TX

If you have ever had a migraine, you know that the pain goes beyond a simple headache. Migraines can cause intense pain that can also be accompanied by vomiting and nausea, in addition to sensitivity to smells, sounds and light. The symptoms may last a few hours, a few days or in some chronic cases, fifteen days or more. Patients looking for headache treatments in Frisco, TX may want to consider working with a chiropractor for relief for their migraines. While there is still a certain amount of mystery around what causes headaches and migraines, researchers have conducted studies and Read more
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Sore Muscles and Massage and Chiropractic Stress Treatments

Muscle aches and pains may not be from an injury, as you might think.  In fact, some may come from stress that you don’t even realize you have. When you are mentally stressed, certain muscle groups tense up. If the stress is prolonged, this tensing up of muscles can create pain. However, this pain can be easily relieved with the right mix of massage and other treatments administered carefully by professionals. The right chiropractic manipulations combined with massage can bring about relief. If you feel that you’re stressing too much, call for help right away. Give the folks at Tieperman Health and Wellness a call so they can help you get Read more
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Chiropractic Massage Frisco TX: Four Signs You Need a Chiropractor

Most people have heard that chiropractic massage Frisco TX can be good for you, but many are skeptical that they actually need it. The truth is, your body is probably trying to tell you that you do, in fact, require the help of a chiropractic adjustment, but you just aren’t aware of it. The signs you should visit a chiropractor are sometimes obvious, but just as often, they are subtle, and you may not be aware of what is going on. Here, we take a look at some of the lesser known ways you need the healing hands of a Read more
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Chiropractic Massage Frisco TX: The Benefits of Having Both Together

  If you suffer from chronic pain, looking into chiropractic massage Frisco TX may be a better alternative than relying on daily medication for relief. Massage therapy focuses on manipulation of soft tissues in the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, where chiropractic care deals with the hard tissues. While these two services treat different things, having them join forces can provide great benefits for treating chronic pain. Some of those benefits are: Adjustments last longer when muscle tension is released, because tight muscles pull joints out of alignment. Soft tissue heals more quickly once the joints have been restored to proper position. Read more