Category : Chiropractic and Massage Frisco TX

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The Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Discover the Life-Changing Benefits of Prenatal Chiropractic Care Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it’s no secret that it comes with its share of physical and emotional challenges. As your body adapts to support a growing baby, it’s completely normal to experience aches and pains, especially in your lower back, hips, and abdomen. These discomforts can take a toll, but there’s good news—relief is within reach. Chiropractic care during pregnancy offers a safe and effective way to ease discomfort and support your body through this transformative time. Focused on maintaining a healthy spine and properly aligned joints, chiropractic therapy reduces Read more
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6 Tips for Relieving a Crick in your Neck

Don’t you hate waking up with a crick in your neck? That sharp pain in your neck that makes it feel impossible to move your head or even look side to side. There are many causes for the pain such as sleeping wrong, painting a ceiling, or even looking down at your laptop or phone for too long. Whatever the cause, you’re probably looking for a quick solution and in this article, we’re going to help you find some relief! Gentle Stretching One of the most effective ways to relieve a crick in your neck is through gentle stretching. When Read more
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Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your body goes through many changes to support the baby. One is that the hormone relaxin is released, which relaxes the joints and eases labor and delivery. However, sometimes this can cause structural instability. Other sources of spinal misalignment and pain during pregnancy include: Carrying 25 to 30 pounds of extra weight. Weakened abdominal muscles. Accentuating the curve in your lower back. Follow along for our guide to chiropractic care during pregnancy and the benefits of chiropractic care during your pregnancy.  Reasons for Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy Chiropractic care involves the assessment and adjustment of the spine and Read more
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Common sports Injuries that Need Chiropractic Care

Participation in sports brings joy and a sense of accomplishment. People of every age play sports. From young children playing tee-ball to adults making their weekly tee time Saturday morning, and the older you get, the more likely you are to sustain a sports injury. No matter how much you stretch before or warm-up, injury is still possible. When those injuries inevitably happen, sometimes chiropractic treatments are the fastest way to get back to doing what you love. Here are a few common sports injuries that are especially receptive to chiropractic treatments. Lower Back Injuries Lower back injuries are extremely Read more
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Chiropractor or Physical Therapist: Which One Do I Need?

Chiropractors and physical therapists have some similarities when it comes to what they do. Both practices treat and manage pain and stiffness in your body, and they are licensed professionals who attend graduate school to practice. However, they can differ in some areas, so we’re going to discuss the differences between a chiropractor and a physical therapist and how you know which one you should visit.  Critical Differences Between Chiropractors and Physical Therapists One of the primary goals of physical therapy is to achieve pain-free movement of your body. Chiropractors focus on pain relief and the alignment of your spine. Read more
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What Are the Benefits of Prenatal Massage?

For centuries, medical professionals have turned to therapeutic massage techniques in treating a variety of ailments and physical conditions. Therapeutic massage techniques are most popular in combating stress, relieving muscle tension, and improving overall health. No matter your age, physical condition, or treatment history, exploring the benefits of massage therapy can be of extreme value.    Why Prenatal Massage? According to the American Pregnancy Association, prenatal massage therapy can be a great source of relief, particularly while the body transforms and develops during pregnancy. That said, prenatal massage therapy should always be carefully examined and approved by a licensed doctor Read more
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Our Guide to Chiropractic and Pregnancy by Tieperman Health and Wellness in Frisco, TX

For the majority of women, the range of physical and emotional symptoms you encounter during pregnancy are demanding. It’s normal to experience frequent physical pain and aches in the lower back, hips, and abdomen as the uterus expands, and the baby begins to grow. Fortunately, there are chiropractic professionals and techniques intended to relieve the pain and stress that accompanies pregnancy. Tieperman Health and Wellness, a top chiropractic clinic in Frisco, TX, offers specialized prenatal massage and other services specific to the needs of pregnant patients. Chiropractic care is centered around maintaining a healthy spinal column and correctly aligned joints. Read more
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Postpartum Benefits of Massage therapy in prosper tx

Pregnancy is a wonderful experience for women… but there are many health issues that can arise before and after the delivery. Acupressure massages are holistic ways of treating postpartum issues. Depression Rather than relying on anti-depressants, stimulating multiple pressure points can help reduce anxiety. Insufficient Lactation Being able to supply nutrients to a newborn a key, massages can help treat lactation problems in a natural and permanent way. Mastitis Caused by inflammation of the mammary glands, Appropriate acupressure can reduce the infection that leads to blockage of the milk ducts Back Pain The pelvic region is under stress during pregnancy Soothing massages in vital areas like the hip and Read more
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The Benefits of Scheduling a Chiropractic Massage This Winter

The colder months of winter are on the way, bringing with them potential health problems. You can increase your chances of staying healthy this winter through regular chiropractic massage. Stiff, Sore Muscles When the weather gets cold, so does your body. The cold can make your muscles feel rigid and less flexible. The cold causes your body to contract and makes it more difficult to stretch your muscles. Inflexibility can lead to unwanted injuries. A reputable chiropractor can help to properly align your spine, alleviate the stiffness in your muscles and leave you with an overall feeling of wellness. Difficulty Read more
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The Importance of Personal Chiropractic Massage in Frisco, TX

Your body is a dynamic and intricate system, and while it can heal itself, it also needs to be treated properly. Chiropractic care is crucial to keep yourself in alignment. However, spinal misalignments are not the only issues when it comes to the muscular system – pain and stress commonly cause unwanted discomfort and distraction to our daily lives. While spinal adjustments are necessary, chiropractic massage is more than just a spa treatment to “treat yourself” to once in a while. It offers benefits that are relaxing while also critical to relieving musculoskeletal pain. Here are three reasons to make chiropractic massage Read more