Tag : back pain frisco tx

0 1132

Five Signs of Facet Joint Back Pain in Little Elm TX

 Occasional back pain happens, but it could be more serious if it occurs with no cause. Facet joints are small points of contact where individual vertebra meet each other. If you’re experiencing unknown back pain these signs point to it being facet joint damage.  Pressing on the sore area causes the muscle to tighten in response (guarding reflex.)  The pain is unpredictable and happens randomly over a period of months.  Upper spine pain causes a burning reaction that radiates across the shoulder/back.  Facet joint compression in the lower back sends nerve pain into the butt and upper leg. For solutions on back pain in Little Elm, TX, visit Read more
0 1836

Massage Therapy Treatments for Back Pain in Frisco TX

Many people experience back pain at some point in their lives. Your back contains many essential ligaments and muscles that work hard to keep you healthy and active. Back strain and pain can happen not only from exertion but also from the continuous repetition of simple activities. Back Pain Relief Massage is an effective way to reduce muscle spasms caused by mobility loss of your thoracic joints. Through proper massage, these joints can heal and gain mobility.  Back massage therapy can also significantly relieve chronic pain. Whether you are experiencing mobility issues or chronic pain due to joint problems, muscle Read more
0 1214

4 Things to Do Right After a Car Accident for Back Pain

Being involved in a car accident is a traumatic event, but knowing what to do to keep back pain in Frisco, TX from turning into a more severe condition is essential. Playing the waiting game to see if your back pain feels better in a couple of days could be very risky. Here are four things that you should do right away after you’ve been in a car accident: Apply ice to impacted areas for up to 30 minutes Have a chiropractor evaluate your injuries Stay hydrated Get plenty of rest Don’t take the risk with back pain from a Read more
0 1145

Back Pain Management 101: Tips for Lifting Without Injury

Knowing the proper way to lift heavy or bulky objects can reduce the risk of a future injury and prevent further damage to any you may already have. With this guide and your doctor’s help, you can learn three simple steps that can help you avoid injuring your back or neck while lifting heavy objects. Chest Out Bending your knees down to lift a heavy box or piece of furniture may seem like the right move, but this position will place excess pressure on the back, which can cause a serious injury. The most important thing to remember when lifting Read more
0 1576

5 Ways to Combat Back Pain From Your Sedentary Desk Job

The human body was never meant to stay sedentary for long periods of time, so it’s not surprising that many people with office jobs that require many hours of sitting at a desk complain of back pain and other issues linked to posture in Frisco, TX. There are things you can do to combat these ill effects of having a desk job. Here are 5 suggestions: Frequent stretches Standing desk Frequent office laps Active meetings Ergonomic chair If your office job is the cause of your back pain, let Tieperman Health & Wellness help you find relief and offer tips Read more
0 1373

What is Sciatica Back Pain and What Are the Treatment Options?

There are many misconceptions around sciatica and what it actually is. Contrary to popular belief, sciatica is not a disease or condition. Sciatica is a set of symptoms caused by a spinal condition. The symptoms usually include pain, weakness or tingling starting in the lower back and buttocks and running down the leg or legs. Sciatica pain can be difficult to treat as doctors must find the cause of the pain. Several conditions can cause pain in the sciatic region, including a slipped vertebra, degenerative disc disease, lumbar spinal stenosis, pregnancy or an underlying injury. Part of the treatment plan will include finding the root cause of the Read more
0 1578

What You Need To Know About Preventing Golf-Related Back Pain

Tiger Wood’s repeated and debilitating back problems over the years are evidence of the fact that even a relatively low-impact sport like golf can take its toll on the body.  For most long-term or frequent golfers, overwork of the lumbar, or lower, spine can result in significant back pain and problems like muscle strains, disc injuries, degenerative arthritis and fractures.  If golf is your preferred weekend pastime or you’re considering taking up golf as a serious sport, you should know that there are ways to prevent many types of golf-related injuries and ways to treat them once they occur. The Read more
0 1411

Stretching That You Can Do For Back Pain Remedies in Frisco, TX

Back pain can ruin your day fairly efficiently. Luckily, there are some stretches you can do to provide some relief until you see your doctor. One is very simple and can be done anywhere. Lie flat on your back with your toes pointed toward the sky. Bend one knee and slowly pull your leg to your chest. With both hands, grab your thigh or knee and gently pull your leg toward your chest. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds. Gently lower your leg back to the floor, then repeat the same stretch on the other leg. Do this 2 to 3 times, then rest. Repeat a few times a day until you begin Read more
0 1392

Back Pain Management is Possible With Chiropractic Care

If you suffer from lower back pain, you’re not alone. At some point in their lives, about 80 percent of the United States’ population will have back pain, says WebMD. The causes are varied, but one thing is known for sure: back pain is annoying, often debilitating and can have serious impacts on the lives of those affected. One of the most popular, and effective, methods of treating this type of pain is through chiropractic care. If you’re looking for back pain management in Frisco, TX, consider this non-surgical, non-invasive type of treatment. What is Chiropractic Care? The main principle Read more
0 1361

3 Tips to Prevent Your Child From Having Backpack Back Pain

From carrying heavy textbooks, binders, and supplies to hauling it across a large school campus, it is easy to see how so many students develop back pain from their backpacks. While surprising for many people to learn, an estimated 5,415 injuries due to backpacks were seen in hospitals in 2013 alone. These injuries may seem like minor aches and pains, but your child may develop permanent damage after carrying a backpack with excessive weight. To reduce their risk of pain and permanent damage, make sure your child uses these tips when purchasing and carrying their backpack. Use the Right Backpack Read more