Category : Massage Therapy Frisco TX

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Effective Pain Relief Through Foot Massage Therapy in Frisco TX

Most foot pain problems are found on the heel, bottom or outside of the foot. These different locations of discomfort typically begin with the plantar fascia. Plantar Fascia The plantar fascia is a ligament type of tissue on the bottom of each foot. It connects the bottom of the heel to the toes and helps to support the arch of the foot. Small intrinsic foot muscles that enable the toes to move also support the arches. Plantar Fasciitis Plantar fasciitis is a condition that occurs when the plantar fascia becomes irritated and inflamed. Several factors can cause this problem including: Read more
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Find the Best Massage Therapy Treatments in Frisco TX

Tieperman Health & Wellness in Frisco, Texas offers a range of massage therapy services that cater to your specific needs. When choosing a type of massage therapy, there are many factors one should consider. Various massage techniques produce different results. Some may be designed to treat injuries, while others help with chronic pain or tension. Before you schedule a massage appointment, browse this list of the most popular types of massage therapies. Your specific health needs, as well as what goals you hope to achieve through treatment, will help you determine the type of massage that’s best for you. Swedish Read more
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Pain, Pain Go Away: Natural Headache Treatments for Children

Parents never want to see their children in pain. Additionally, giving a child medication to treat a headache is often worrisome, as you’re not sure how their bodies will respond. Many experts agree, however, that natural remedies are worth a try when it comes to headache treatments for children. Drink Up Dehydration is a common reason why children experience headaches. Offer your child a glass of water when they begin to experience the pain. If that doesn’t work, give them a sports drink. Along with helping the dehydration, the ingredients in the sports drink can combat the pain. When a Read more
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Massage Therapy Frisco TX Offers Relief from your Whiplash Pain

Whiplash causes pain and mobility issues in millions of people involved in accidents each year, but massage therapy Frisco TX can offer relief from this pain. While many patients choose invasive surgeries and harmful medications to ease their discomfort, finding natural ways to reduce pain is a safer alternative. Here are the signs of whiplash and the ways that massage can offer you relief. Massage Therapy Frisco TX: Understanding Whiplash During an accident that causes extreme motion and sudden force, your neck will move back and forth quickly. This motion is similar to the snapping of a rubber band, but Read more