Category : Pain Management Frisco TX

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3 Tips to Prevent Your Child From Having Backpack Back Pain

From carrying heavy textbooks, binders, and supplies to hauling it across a large school campus, it is easy to see how so many students develop back pain from their backpacks. While surprising for many people to learn, an estimated 5,415 injuries due to backpacks were seen in hospitals in 2013 alone. These injuries may seem like minor aches and pains, but your child may develop permanent damage after carrying a backpack with excessive weight. To reduce their risk of pain and permanent damage, make sure your child uses these tips when purchasing and carrying their backpack. Use the Right Backpack Read more
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Are You A Candidate for Total or Partial Hip Replacement Surgery?

Getting a total or even a partial hip replacement in Frisco, TX is a major surgical event, and the process of deciding whether or not to have the procedure performed is an even bigger decision. Perhaps the most daunting aspect of getting a hip replacement is the recovery time that is necessary following the surgery. If you’re not sure whether or not it may be time to tackle this kind of major surgery, here are some of the signs you should be looking out for. Signs You’re Ready For Hip Replacement Here are some signs to look for to help you decide Read more
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5 Pain Management Therapy Tips For Weekend Warriors

Many weekend warriors are forced to seek pain management therapy in Frisco, TX after overdoing it in their favorite competitive sport or thrilling weekend activity. However, there are simple steps that you can take to prevent injury so that you never miss a beat. 1. Be careful about what you eat and drink A balanced diet that helps keep you slim and trim will ensure that there is less weight putting stress on bones and joints during your squash marathons or Crossfit WODs. Staying hydrated is also crucial, especially if you are very physically active on the weekends. You should be Read more
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Prenatal Massage To Ease Pain From the Physical Changes of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful experience for many women, but the changing body can cause pain and discomfort that prenatal massage and other holistic treatments can ease. During pregnancy, your body will need to stretch and grow to create space for your unborn baby. These changes may begin in the uterus and your breasts, but they can affect your musculoskeletal systems. Using this guide, you will understand the musculoskeletal changes during pregnancy and learn holistic treatments to ease your discomfort. Changes While shocking for many women to learn, the uterus can stretch and expand up to the size of a watermelon Read more
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Frisco Acupuncture: Consider Acupuncture To Alleviate Your Pain

If you live in Frisco, Texas, you should investigate the medical benefits of acupuncture if you are looking for a way to alleviate pain that does not involve drugs or surgery.  Acupuncture has always been a key component of traditional Chinese medicine, where it is used primarily to balance the flow of energy, the qi or life force, through the pathways in the human body.  In Western medicine, we use acupuncture points to stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissue to increase blood flow and to help the body’s natural pain-killing chemicals work better to alleviate pain. Frisco practitioners of acupuncture Read more