Tag : acupuncture frisco tx

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Period Pain and Discomfort Relief through Acupuncture in Little Elm

Pain and discomfort during your period is a common condition that affects most women who are menstruating. Women can experience this condition regardless of their health situation. A study conducted by Dr. Mike Armour provided evidence indicating the effectiveness of acupuncture as a treatment for alleviating the pain and discomfort associated with periods. The Study The treatments provided through the study met the standards of a manualized protocol and relied on data collection through a survey completed by acupuncture specialists in New Zealand and Australia. The treatments were based on traditional Chinese medicine; identifying the unique characteristics of individual organs Read more
0 1105

Acupuncture Solutions for Insomnia in Little Elm TX

Are struggling to get the sleep you need to lead a happy, healthy productive life? Acupuncture has been used to improve sleep and treat insomnia for centuries. Traditional Eastern medicine practitioners focus their attention on addressing both the body and the mind, and they do without the use of drugs. These health providers use acupuncture to treat medical problems and diseases. One such condition they can help manage with acupuncture is insomnia as it is a health problem that is caused by an energy disturbance between the body and the mind. What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is one of the oldest Read more
0 1038

Fight Cold and Flu Viruses With Acupuncture Therapy Treatments

Many people think that acupuncture therapy as a treatment for headaches or sore backs. However, acupuncture is an effective treatment for preventing cold and flu symptoms as well. Symptoms from the flu and the common cold can look alike. It is vital to understand between the two because the common cold generally makes you feel horrible; the flu has the potential to be deadly. A cold begins typically with a sore throat and develops over time into more symptoms including a headache, runny nose and low-grade fever. The flu usually hits quickly and can symptoms including a high temperature, sore Read more
0 1113

Finally Release Your Stress for Good with Acupuncture in Frisco, Texas

Stress can creep up on us when we least expect it. There are dozens of ways to cope with stress, but what works? One method that holds tried and true is acupuncture. How can this relieve stress? Stress is a healthy response to our environment, but too much can lead to health problems. Acupuncture can help your blood pressure, immune system, and stress hormones. Anxiety, depression, headaches, fatigue, and digestive problems are all issues acupuncture may alleviate. Chinese medicine works to release the tension in the energy blockages that humans are known to have. Clearing energy pathways allows us to Read more
0 951

The Remarkable Benefits of Traditional Acupuncture Treatments

Acupuncture is a popular therapy option which involves the use of the placement of fine needles at precise points on the body to produce a restorative reaction. Based on the energy flow within each person, acupressure addresses ailments and pain as an indication that the body is unbalanced. While the goal of acupuncture treatments is to renew balance within the body, it also brings about many positive health benefits. Increased Energy The most common effect directly after an acupuncture treatment is an increase in energy flow. Many people experience a sense of extra energy for several days or weeks following Read more
0 1022

Sticking it to the Discomfort: Acupuncture for Pain Management

Acupuncture, a thousands-year-old natural healing technique developed in China, has been touted to fix, or at least improve, just about everything from insomnia to wrinkles. By implementing practices that involve needles, heat and, sometimes, cups, acupuncture can improve the body’s functions and promote the self-healing process. Those who suffer from chronic pain often look to acupuncture for relief. Instead of relying on potentially dangerous and habit-forming medications, they use this ancient art as their pain management. If Western medicine isn’t providing the healing power you need, this age-old Eastern technique may do the trick. How It Works Acupuncture draws on the Read more
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Underlying Conditions May Mean You Avoid Acupuncture Treatment

There is no universally perfect treatment for what ails you, no matter how positive and holistic an approach may be. While acupuncture has solved the ailments of many, there are still a select few who do not benefit from its use. Not only can it cause damage to some people’s physical body, but it may also cause damage to their general well-being. Specific disorders, conditions, and events in your life can create a risk if you are considering acupuncture in Frisco, TX. Blood-thinning disorders, clotting disorders, and pregnancy are all factors that may hinder treatment. Acupuncture, while minimally invasive, still Read more
0 1215

Three Ways That Acupuncture Can Relieve Menstrual Pain

It’s that time of the month when your period makes its monthly debut, and you get to experience the excessively painful cramps and bloating right along with it, but what if something like acupuncture in Frisco, TX could make those lovely side effects not so bad? Acupuncture has been practiced for centuries with its foundation in ancient Chinese medicine to treat many health conditions. Here are three ways in which acupuncture therapy can help relieve your painful menstrual symptoms: Increases blood flow to the uterus, relaxing muscles and uterine contractions Increases endorphin release Balances the brain’s hormone regulator You don’t Read more
0 1428

Cure Your Tennis Elbow for Good with Acupuncture in Frisco, TX

If you have tennis elbow, you know that it can be incredibly difficult to treat. Heat, ice, elbow braces, and rest can all help, but sometimes there seems to be nothing that will make the pain disappear. Especially when leading a busy life, we know you can’t afford limited mobility in one or both of your arms. A new approach to treating tennis elbow has been on the rise – acupuncture. By unblocking pathways of energy, the healing process can speed up and heal your arm faster and more acutely. What are the benefits of trying acupuncture in Frisco? It Read more
0 1350

Acupuncture: How and Why it Works and What it Treats

Although relatively new in Western medicine, acupuncture was developed over 3,000 years ago in China. Used to treat just about everything from nausea to pain, acupuncture has become one of the most popular, and most intriguing, medical treatments at the moment. If you’re suffering from chronic pain, you might consider trying this ancient, and often effective, practice, but first, you may be interested in finding how and why it works. How Acupuncture Works Acupuncture is based on the traditional Chinese medicine belief that the universe, and the body, is comprised of two opposing forces: yin and yang. When these forces Read more