Category : Uncategorized

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4 Benefits of Taking Baths

  There’s nothing quite like sinking into a warm, inviting bath after a long day. Beyond the soothing ambiance and tranquility, baths offer a myriad of benefits for both the body and mind. In particular, when you incorporate the use of Epsom salt, the advantages are further amplified. Let’s explore the top four benefits of taking baths and delve into the remarkable perks of Epsom salt bath benefits, hot bath benefits, and Epsom salt itself. Relaxation and Stress Relief One of the primary benefits of taking baths is the ability to relax and unwind. The combination of warm water and Read more
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Top 4 Triggers for Migraines

What causes migraines and where do they come from? Migraines are a severe and disabling form of headache that affects millions of people worldwide. While the exact cause of migraines is unknown, researchers have identified various triggers that can increase the risk of developing migraines. Do you suffer from migraines and wonder if there’s a way to avoid them? In this article, we will explore the top 4 triggers for migraines. 1. Stress Stress is one of the most common triggers for migraines. It can be manifested in different ways. Stress can be emotional, such as dealing with a difficult Read more
0 1254

3 Worst Exercises or Stretches for Back Pain

It is likely that stretching and exercising can help ease some of your lower back pain, but unfortunately, not all exercises or stretches are beneficial. There are some that can actually worsen the lower back pain. Lower back pain is a common issue that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. A variety of factors cause this pain, such as poor posture, a sedentary lifestyle, or an injury. In this article, you will find the three worst exercises and stretches to avoid when trying to relieve lower back pain. 1. Toe Touches Toe touches are a popular stretch, involving a Read more
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Top 5 Exercises for Back Pain

Back pain is a common problem experienced by people of all ages. Various causes can include poor posture, injuries, and even stress. Exercise is one of the most effective ways to manage your back pain. Below, we have included the top 5 exercises for back pain to help decrease discomfort. 1. Cat-Cow Stretch This stretch is gentle and works to loosen up lower back muscles. Start on your hands and knees with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. While you inhale, lift your head and tailbone towards the ceiling. This creates a curve in Read more
0 1151

Tips for Relieving a Crick in Your Neck

Getting a crick in your neck is a painful and annoying experience. Your neck feels stiff, less mobile than usual, and you might feel like it to be popped back into place. Cricks in your neck can be temporary or chronic. Although they are usually painless, they could be connected to your chronic neck or shoulder pain if they are frequent. Luckily, the experts at Tieperman Health and Wellness have come up with some ways to relieve a crick in your neck before seeing a doctor.  Heat and Ice Heat and ice are good places to start when you have Read more
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Joint Pain Management

Joints form connections between your bones and allow your body to move. Any damage or injury to your joints can interfere with your movement and cause a lot of pain. Joint pain is extremely common, so don’t feel alarmed if it’s something you’re going through. Your doctor can diagnose the cause and provide treatment options. The goal of treatments is to reduce pain and inflammation and preserve joint function. Here are some treatment options to help you manage your joint pain.  Topical Agents An unusual topical agent is known to relieve joint pain from arthritis and other joint conditions. It Read more
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Common Baseball Injuries

Injuries are a common occurrence for baseball players of all ages who often play at competitive levels. These sports injuries are specifically due to overuse. The majority of common baseball injuries afflict pitchers the worst. We’ll discuss these frequent baseball injuries along with a few ways to treat them should they occur.  Most Common Baseball Injuries Muscle Strains Rotating the body sharply and quickly is a crucial skill for pitchers to possess. However, doing this repeatedly causes strain on the body, particularly your muscles, which leads to muscle strain injuries. The MLB has seen 20+ players go on the disabled Read more
0 1040

Acupuncture and Migraines

There are many traditional methods that people try to ease their migraine pain, but sometimes none of them work! If this is your problem, acupuncture might be an excellent alternative option for easing your migraines. Acupuncture began in ancient China, and it involves piercing specific areas of the body to alleviate various pains. Here is some information involving migraines and acupuncture treatments you should consider before considering it a viable option for you.  The Proof Over the course of 22 clinical trials involving almost 5,000 patients, evidence has shown that acupuncture decreased headache frequency in patients with migraines. This effect Read more
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10 Benefits of Chiropractic Care

The benefits of chiropractic care don’t just stop at helping back pain. Here are 10 benefits of going to the chiropractor. 10 Benefits of Chiropractic Care Headaches Chiropractic care is extremely beneficial for helping soothe headache symptoms. In fact, adjustments for headaches are top of the list for conditions that chiropractors.  Vertigo Since chiropractic treatment targets the vertebrae and joints that aren’t moving correctly, chiropractic treatment is a good option for easing vertigo symptoms. The adjustments might reduce the spells or symptoms you have. Inflammation Inflammation is a major cause of joint and back pain. When you visit the chiropractor, Read more
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Winter Knee Pain

It is not certain that weather changes affect the pain in joints such as your knees. However, people with arthritis, previous or current knee injuries report that their pain gets worse in colder temperatures. There are a few theories doctors have come up with for the cause of increased knee pain in the winter. Some include changes in air pressure, thickening joint fluid, tense muscles, and/or your blood is routed away from your joints to keep other areas like vital organs warm. Luckily, there are some ways to avoid or relieve this winter knee pain. Staying warm Yes, we know Read more