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Chiropractor or Physical Therapist: Which One Do I Need?

Chiropractors and physical therapists have some similarities when it comes to what they do. Both practices treat and manage pain and stiffness in your body, and they are licensed professionals who attend graduate school to practice. However, they can differ in some areas, so we’re going to discuss the differences between a chiropractor and a physical therapist and how you know which one you should visit.  Critical Differences Between Chiropractors and Physical Therapists One of the primary goals of physical therapy is to achieve pain-free movement of your body. Chiropractors focus on pain relief and the alignment of your spine. Read more
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Best Tendonitis Treatments

Tendonitis is a condition that affects tendons: tissue that attaches muscle to a bone. This tissue becomes inflamed and causes tenderness and pain that gets worse when the patient moves. It can occur in several different joints, which is why it has many names, including tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, pitcher’s shoulder, and jumper’s knee. Luckily, there are many ways to treat tendonitis. Here are a few that we recommend.  Acupuncture  This traditional Chinese practice unblocks pathways in the body which allow energy to flow freely. By clearing these pathways, acupuncture relieves pain and treats other ailments of the body. Several Read more
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First Acupuncture Appointment: What to Expect

If it’s your first time receiving acupuncture, you probably have a handful of questions. Luckily, our experts at Tieperman Health and Wellness are here to ease your mind regarding some of those questions you may have. Here are some things to expect at your first acupuncture appointment.  An Interview Beforehand Just as physicians ask you questions about your medications, medical conditions, and more at your first appointment, an acupuncture practitioner will do the same. However, there may also be additional questions that you don’t usually hear. These range from asking about your sex life to digestive issues and even menstruation Read more
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Common Baseball Injuries

Injuries are a common occurrence for baseball players of all ages who often play at competitive levels. These sports injuries are specifically due to overuse. The majority of common baseball injuries afflict pitchers the worst. We’ll discuss these frequent baseball injuries along with a few ways to treat them should they occur.  Most Common Baseball Injuries Muscle Strains Rotating the body sharply and quickly is a crucial skill for pitchers to possess. However, doing this repeatedly causes strain on the body, particularly your muscles, which leads to muscle strain injuries. The MLB has seen 20+ players go on the disabled Read more
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Foods to Avoid With Arthritis

Arthritis is a very difficult condition to live with. Many different treatments help manage arthritis, but one thing that has a significant impact on your symptoms’ severity is your diet. Your diet might not be something you’ve thought about, but here are a few food items you should avoid as an arthritis patient.  Added Sugars A recent study showed that Rheumatoid Arthritis pain is made worse with sugar-sweetened products. Sugar was one item out of 20 that tested positive for worsening RA symptoms such as pain.  Red or Processed Meats Certain foods can increase inflammation in different areas, such as Read more
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Drug-Free Pain Management in Frisco, TX

Even though some prescription medications can be useful in treating pain, there are multiple reasons why you would consider drug-free options. For some, the medications just are not doing the trick. For others, the side effects are too much, or the medicine reacts with other prescription drugs they’re taking. That’s why there are drug-free options for pain management. Let’s look at a few of the options you have at Tieperman Health and Wellness in Frisco, TX for drug-free pain management regimens.  Acupuncture Acupuncture is a topic that we have many blogs about. It is one of the most effective forms Read more
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Acupuncture and Migraines

There are many traditional methods that people try to ease their migraine pain, but sometimes none of them work! If this is your problem, acupuncture might be an excellent alternative option for easing your migraines. Acupuncture began in ancient China, and it involves piercing specific areas of the body to alleviate various pains. Here is some information involving migraines and acupuncture treatments you should consider before considering it a viable option for you.  The Proof Over the course of 22 clinical trials involving almost 5,000 patients, evidence has shown that acupuncture decreased headache frequency in patients with migraines. This effect Read more
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Physiotherapy & Chronic Pain

Chronic pain has been described as pain that lasts three months or longer, and it usually causes physical decline, limited function ability, and emotional distress. The pain also has a negative effect on daily life. It impacts sleep, work, home life, leisure activities, and the ability to interact with the ones you love. These things lead to mental and emotional distress, which might present themselves as mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress. In fact, negative emotional events can come up as physical pain, which worsens chronic pain symptoms. For many people, physiotherapy is the answer. Physiotherapist’s role Since Read more
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10 Benefits of Chiropractic Care

The benefits of chiropractic care don’t just stop at helping back pain. Here are 10 benefits of going to the chiropractor. 10 Benefits of Chiropractic Care Headaches Chiropractic care is extremely beneficial for helping soothe headache symptoms. In fact, adjustments for headaches are top of the list for conditions that chiropractors.  Vertigo Since chiropractic treatment targets the vertebrae and joints that aren’t moving correctly, chiropractic treatment is a good option for easing vertigo symptoms. The adjustments might reduce the spells or symptoms you have. Inflammation Inflammation is a major cause of joint and back pain. When you visit the chiropractor, Read more
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Acupuncture for Fertility

Acupuncture is an ancient practice that uses very thin needles inserted into specific points on your body that can help regulate your bodily functions. When used for fertility, acupuncture can help address problems like under or over-functioning thyroid. Acupuncture is relatively painless and can help relieve you of stress, which can also boost fertility. The process releases endorphins into your body, which has positive effects on fertility.  Does it Work?  Acupuncture and herbal medicines cannot change things like tubal adhesions, but it might improve your ovular and follicular functions. These treatments can also increase blood flow to the endometrium, which Read more