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What should I expect the first time I do acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient form of traditional Chinese medicine, now widely trusted and prescribed by western medical professionals. Acupuncture treatments work to correct and restore imbalances of internal energy in the body through inserting remarkably fine stainless-steel needles in the skin. In most cases, Acupuncture can effectively help to reduce pain associated with arthritis, lower back pain, neck pain, muscle aches, post-surgery pain, fibromyalgia, and nausea. Before beginning any acupuncture treatment, a licensed Acupuncturist will perform an intensive analysis of current symptoms, past treatments, medical history, diet, digestive system functionality, sleeping patterns, and general emotional health. This analysis often includes Read more
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Food to Avoid When You Have Arthritis

 Suffering from any type of Arthritis can be uncomfortable and strenuous. Observing what specifically improves or worsens symptoms is imperative. Your diet or food products you consume has a large influence on healing and well-being. Take caution when it comes to: Fried & Processed Foods:  Cutting down on fried and processed foods can reduce overall inflammation. Giving your body proper nutrients helps to restore natural defenses. Foods with AGEs:  AGE or advanced glycation end is a toxin that damages important proteins in the body. AGEs accumulate in heated, grilled, fried, or pasteurized food products. Sugars and Refined Carbs High Read more
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Acupuncture for Fertility

Acupuncture is an ancient practice that uses very thin needles inserted into specific points on your body that can help regulate your bodily functions. When used for fertility, acupuncture can help address problems like under or over-functioning thyroid. Acupuncture is relatively painless and can help relieve you of stress, which can also boost fertility. The process releases endorphins into your body, which has positive effects on fertility.  Does it Work?  Acupuncture and herbal medicines cannot change things like tubal adhesions, but it might improve your ovular and follicular functions. These treatments can also increase blood flow to the endometrium, which Read more
0 1078

Can acupuncture be used to treat arthritis?

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 54.4 million US adults (22.7%) annually, have reported suffering from some type of arthritis in their life, whether that be rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, or fibromyalgia. This umbrella term that defines this medical condition often involves the deterioration of the cartilage in joints, most prevalent in the hips and knees. As a result, arthritis can cause uncomfortable joint pains and aches and even loss of movement and general functioning. As with any general medical condition, there are a wide variety of available treatment programs to explore. If your condition Read more
0 1055

Treating Knee Pain with Massage Therapy

Knee pain is a common condition in people of all ages. Often, sensitive knee discomfort can intensify with age as a byproduct of living a physically active lifestyle. According to the American Pain Institute, more than a third of adults over the age of 65 struggle with knee pain and stiffness. Understandably, your knees bear a large portion of body weight, so correctly treating any minor pain, flares, or sprains is vital, especially as age increases. In most cases, diagnosing the root and source of pain is essential in determining the most suitable treatment method. Well-known knee injuries often include Read more
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Video: How to Relieve a Crick in Your Neck

There is nothing worse than waking up with a stiff neck. At times, it may prevent you from completing your daily tasks. Depending on the condition, the crick in your neck is often triggered by: Sleeping in a tense position. Excessive exercise the previous day. Or regular muscle strains. No matter the cause, it’s vital to promptly resolve the issue. At times, it may prevent you from completing your daily tasks. The most useful and safe pain management techniques commonly include: Over-the-counter medication. Tylenol or Ibuprofen works to reduce moderate pain and inflammation. For severe pain, you may want to Read more
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The Real Benefits of Nutritional Therapy

Diet can play an overwhelmingly important role in regulating overall health and preventing harmful diseases and health conditions. That’s what here at Tieperman Health & Wellness in Frisco, TX, we take nutrition and healthy living every bit as seriously as our commitment to sound medical wellness. The practice of Nutritional Therapy emphasizes the value and role that different vitamins, minerals, and nutrients play in the body. The concept of Nutritional Therapy promotes the idea that the food you consume possesses either positive or negative therapeutic qualities. Tweaking or adjusting the food you consume regularly can maximize overall health and wellness. Read more
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Common Treatments for a Slipped Disc

Back ailments such as a slipped or herniated disc can be painfully sensitive and irritable. Conditions of this kind are frequently triggered by an injury or weakness that causes the inner portion of the disc to protrude through the outer ring. The pain and discomfort that accompanies a slipped disc can vary from mild to harsh, depending on the severity of the condition. To that end, if the slipped disc begins to compress any number of spinal nerves, numbness and overall pain can significantly increase. The first step in addressing any back or spinal issue is to undergo a physical Read more
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What are the signs of arthritis?

 Are you worried you might be enduring early signs and symptoms of arthritis? If so, it’s vital you reach an early and accurate diagnosis of the condition. An early diagnosis can lead to pain management treatment before a serious disability develops further. That said, it can be difficult to distinguish between different forms of arthritis. When in doubt, consult the experience physicians at Tieperman Health & Wellness in Frisco, TX for a full diagnosis of your joint pain. Different classes of arthritis present symptoms that require specialized treatments. The most common and well-known symptoms of arthritis include: Joint Pain. Read more
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Our Guide to Chiropractic and Pregnancy by Tieperman Health and Wellness in Frisco, TX

For the majority of women, the range of physical and emotional symptoms you encounter during pregnancy are demanding. It’s normal to experience frequent physical pain and aches in the lower back, hips, and abdomen as the uterus expands, and the baby begins to grow. Fortunately, there are chiropractic professionals and techniques intended to relieve the pain and stress that accompanies pregnancy. Tieperman Health and Wellness, a top chiropractic clinic in Frisco, TX, offers specialized prenatal massage and other services specific to the needs of pregnant patients. Chiropractic care is centered around maintaining a healthy spinal column and correctly aligned joints. Read more