
0 1398

The Most Common Workplace Injuries That Need Chiropractic Care

Work injuries are inevitable – spending 40 hours a week in one place means that an accident is bound to happen at one point or another. While some of these injuries may seem harmless, an injury may cause long-term distress without proper chiropractic care in Frisco, TX. Five common injuries have hidden side effects without appropriate treatment: Taking a fall. Whether it be a trip from a slippery surface, an object on the floor, or another unforeseeable obstruction, falling can have deeper consequences than what meets the eye. Improperly landing may cause a misalignment of the spine or stress on muscles and tendons. A Read more
0 1388

How to Treat your Whole Person with Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is the treatment of the spinal column. Though many issues may radiate from different parts of the body, the spine can be related to many issues no matter where the pain may originate. Chiropractors pride themselves on treating a whole person, not just one symptom or set of symptoms. Because each person is different, chiropractic visits may vary on treatments to make sure your whole body receives benefits. While spinal adjustments are the most common treatment, other options target the entire body to promote all-around healing. You can expect one of seven methods when receiving chiropractic care from Dr. Lori Read more
0 1341

What is Sciatica Back Pain and What Are the Treatment Options?

There are many misconceptions around sciatica and what it actually is. Contrary to popular belief, sciatica is not a disease or condition. Sciatica is a set of symptoms caused by a spinal condition. The symptoms usually include pain, weakness or tingling starting in the lower back and buttocks and running down the leg or legs. Sciatica pain can be difficult to treat as doctors must find the cause of the pain. Several conditions can cause pain in the sciatic region, including a slipped vertebra, degenerative disc disease, lumbar spinal stenosis, pregnancy or an underlying injury. Part of the treatment plan will include finding the root cause of the Read more
0 1251

Choosing a Chiropractic Clinic over Physical Therapist or Physician

When you feel out of alignment, you deserve treatment to put you right back on your feet. It can be hard to understand what exactly will work best for you, though, when there are three main specialty care practices. You can go to a chiropractic clinic, a physical therapist, or a physician, but it is important to know what avenue you should go down for the most successful personal treatment. Tieperman Health and Wellness, the top chiropractic clinic in Frisco, TX, understands you have needs and deserve what is best for you. A chiropractor enrolls in a minimum ten years Read more
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The Importance of Personal Chiropractic Massage in Frisco, TX

Your body is a dynamic and intricate system, and while it can heal itself, it also needs to be treated properly. Chiropractic care is crucial to keep yourself in alignment. However, spinal misalignments are not the only issues when it comes to the muscular system – pain and stress commonly cause unwanted discomfort and distraction to our daily lives. While spinal adjustments are necessary, chiropractic massage is more than just a spa treatment to “treat yourself” to once in a while. It offers benefits that are relaxing while also critical to relieving musculoskeletal pain. Here are three reasons to make chiropractic massage Read more
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Frequently Asked Questions for a Chiropractor in Frisco

Before seeing a chiropractor, you probably have a lot of questions. Here are some FAQs to help you determine if chiropractic care is for you. Q: Does insurance cover a chiropractor? A: Yes, insurance does cover it, but you may need to choose a provider that is in your network. Q: What does a chiropractor treat? A: The list of ailments treated by a chiropractor includes back pain, neck pain, and certain illnesses. Keep in mind that you can get relief for some diseases that drugs cannot help. Q: Can children benefit from treatment? A: Because children are active, they can benefit. Q: Is a referral Read more
0 1549

What You Need To Know About Preventing Golf-Related Back Pain

Tiger Wood’s repeated and debilitating back problems over the years are evidence of the fact that even a relatively low-impact sport like golf can take its toll on the body.  For most long-term or frequent golfers, overwork of the lumbar, or lower, spine can result in significant back pain and problems like muscle strains, disc injuries, degenerative arthritis and fractures.  If golf is your preferred weekend pastime or you’re considering taking up golf as a serious sport, you should know that there are ways to prevent many types of golf-related injuries and ways to treat them once they occur. The Read more
0 1388

Chiropractor Talks 7 Foods that Show Nutrition’s Role in Your Health

Health is multi-faceted and affects every aspect of your life. Scheduling regular appointments at Tieperman Health, the leading Frisco chiropractic center, will keep your body in alignment. But health doesn’t just stop at the doctor’s office; there are things that can be done every day to feel good. The biggest thing you can do yourself to feel happy and healthy is to change your diet. Your body is a machine, and it responds to the kinds of calories you put in it. Nutrition can do more than maintaining weight; it can help us prevent illness and manage pain. There are Read more
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Stretching That You Can Do For Back Pain Remedies in Frisco, TX

Back pain can ruin your day fairly efficiently. Luckily, there are some stretches you can do to provide some relief until you see your doctor. One is very simple and can be done anywhere. Lie flat on your back with your toes pointed toward the sky. Bend one knee and slowly pull your leg to your chest. With both hands, grab your thigh or knee and gently pull your leg toward your chest. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds. Gently lower your leg back to the floor, then repeat the same stretch on the other leg. Do this 2 to 3 times, then rest. Repeat a few times a day until you begin Read more
0 1436

Can Pain Management Therapy Help to Lower My Medication Costs?

Can chiropractic pain management therapy help to lower the medication costs for my arthritis? In many cases, yes it can. Chiropractic care can help to align your body, making it possible for you to move better with fewer limitations. Once you can move about more easily, you’ll need fewer medications to relieve pain and inflammation. Regular pain management therapy by a chiropractic caregiver can also help in preventing the onset of arthritis and its damaging results on your body. This type of preventative care is one of the most vital benefits of treating arthritis with chiropractic treatments. The therapies provided Read more