Category : Pain Management Prosper TX

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Top 5 Exercises for Back Pain

Back pain is a common problem experienced by people of all ages. Various causes can include poor posture, injuries, and even stress. Exercise is one of the most effective ways to manage your back pain. Below, we have included the top 5 exercises for back pain to help decrease discomfort. 1. Cat-Cow Stretch This stretch is gentle and works to loosen up lower back muscles. Start on your hands and knees with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. While you inhale, lift your head and tailbone towards the ceiling. This creates a curve in Read more
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6 Tips For Easing Migraine Pain

Migraines can be a very frustrating thing to deal with. When the pain hits, all you want is for it to go away. That’s understandable! Our tips might not make your migraine disappear, but they will help ease the pain. Here are 6 tips for easing migraine pain.  1. Minimal Light One of the most common migraine symptoms is light sensitivity. To combat this, try to stay in a darker room. This will help ease your migraine pain since you’re not subjecting yourself to bright lights like the sun or household light fixtures. 2. A Quiet Environment Another common symptom Read more
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Arthritis of the Knee: What Causes it?

Osteoarthritis or degenerative arthritis of the knee does not only happen for people of older age. Younger people can be diagnosed with osteoarthritis as well. It can be a very confusing time and wondering what happened to cause this condition can bring some anxiety. Well, we at Tieperman Health and Wellness don’t want you to be too concerned or worried about you or your loved one’s condition. That’s why we’ve put together a short guide on the causes of osteoarthritis.  Age The number one cause of osteoarthritis is, indeed, age. The ability of your cartilage to heal and protect your Read more
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Physiotherapy Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis

Your plantar fascia is a thick band of tissue that supports the arch of your foot. Plantar fasciitis develops when there is a strain on this tissue. Sometimes heel spurs develop from this condition which is a bony growth on the heel. Physical therapists are trained to treat this condition, and there are multiple treatments and exercises that can help relieve your plantar fasciitis. Here are some treatments and exercises for plantar fasciitis.  The Variety of Treatments A physical therapist will work with you to develop a treatment program fit for your plantar fasciitis, and it may contain any number Read more
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What is Causing my Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder pain has a variety of origins. You could’ve fallen while exercising, or maybe you have arthritis. You could have even overdone a chore as simple as painting. Let’s discuss some of the common causes of shoulder pain.  Common Causes of Shoulder Pain Dislocation Over-rotation or pulling your shoulder back too hard can dislocate it from the socket. Common symptoms are pain, weakness, swelling, numbing, and bruising.  Fracture Falling too hard or taking a rough hit can cause a bone to break or crack. Pain and lots of bruising are common results of this injury. In addition, you may notice Read more
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5 Non-Invasive Pain Management Techniques

Pain management is a complicated thing to get right. Every patient is different, so their pain has to be treated differently as well! Luckily, there are a variety of pain management techniques, many of which are non-invasive. Here are five of our favorite non-invasive pain management techniques at Tieperman Health and Wellness! Non-Invasive Pain Management Techniques Acupuncture This ancient technique has been relieving aches and pains for thousands of years. Western science has proven that acupuncture increases the release of chemicals that fight pain. Due to the location and fineness of the needles, acupuncture does not cause pain. Instead, it Read more
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What Foods Can Help With Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain & inflammation is one of the most common conditions that we treat in Frisco, TX at Tieperman Health & Wellness. We see many patients who try nearly everything to help ease that inflammation. However, many overlook their diets. Many foods in our diets actually make inflammation worse. However, there are also many foods out there that can naturally bring down information. Making simple changes to your diet to incorporate more of these foods can work wonders! The trick is knowing which foods have which effect and adjusting your diet accordingly. Foods that Make Inflammation Worse Knowing which foods Read more
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Food to Avoid When You Have Arthritis

 Suffering from any type of Arthritis can be uncomfortable and strenuous. Observing what specifically improves or worsens symptoms is imperative. Your diet or food products you consume has a large influence on healing and well-being. Take caution when it comes to: Fried & Processed Foods:  Cutting down on fried and processed foods can reduce overall inflammation. Giving your body proper nutrients helps to restore natural defenses. Foods with AGEs:  AGE or advanced glycation end is a toxin that damages important proteins in the body. AGEs accumulate in heated, grilled, fried, or pasteurized food products. Sugars and Refined Carbs High Read more
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What are the signs of arthritis?

 Are you worried you might be enduring early signs and symptoms of arthritis? If so, it’s vital you reach an early and accurate diagnosis of the condition. An early diagnosis can lead to pain management treatment before a serious disability develops further. That said, it can be difficult to distinguish between different forms of arthritis. When in doubt, consult the experience physicians at Tieperman Health & Wellness in Frisco, TX for a full diagnosis of your joint pain. Different classes of arthritis present symptoms that require specialized treatments. The most common and well-known symptoms of arthritis include: Joint Pain. Read more
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Why Should You Consider Acupuncture for Pain Relief?

Why should someone consider acupuncture for pain relief? Acupuncture is an alternative medicine and a large part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It focuses on balancing the body’s energy to promote self-healing an alleviate pain. It can improve sleep and digestive function and works on the cardiovascular, immune and nervous system as well. It has also been shown to reduce lower back pain and labor pain. It is beneficial for migraines, joint pains fibromyalgia and nausea from chemotherapy. Acupuncture evokes your body’s natural healing response to improve your body’s sense of well-being with little to no side-effects. Tieperman Health & Wellness Read more